Starting from September 15
A new exhibition at The Peoples Museum of Tallinn:
One Hundred Years Ago on Pikk Street
As part of the Pikk Street Festival, the Tallinn City Museum has prepared an exhibition about the events that happened on this street in 1924. When browsing periodicals from a century ago, one can find many mentions of this one of Tallinn’s oldest streets – from ordinary sale adverts to news of national importance. The exhibition features ten news items relating to Pikk Street from 1924 that cover different areas of social life, with commentary by museum staff. The information presented at the exhibition is just a small part of what happened on this notable street in the past.
Team: Denis Jatsenko,Aleksei Kalatšov, Anton Medvedskii, Andres Lall, Tiina Kulikova, Maaja Gundjajeva, Irina Krivorukova, Merle Tank and Eve Veigel.
Tallinn, Pühavaimu kirik, vaade Pikalt tänavalt., TLM Fn 128, Tallinna Linnamuuseum
Tallinna vanalinn. Vaade Pikk tn Pika jala suunas., AM _ 12853:56 F 11687:56, Eesti Ajaloomuuseum SA
G. Stude šokolaadivabriku martsipani osakond., TLM Fn 9565, Tallinna Linnamuuseum
Mustpeade klubi saali vaade, AM F 30825, Eesti Ajaloomuuseum SA