Alessio Franconi photographic exhibition at Kiek in de Kök tower: “HERE THEY FOUGHT! From the landing in Sicily to Montecassino Battle 1943-44”

Alessio Franconi brings us on the footsteps of the Second World War along the route of the first allied landing in Europe: Sicily, July 1943. It was the first step on European soil to attempt to free Europe from Nazism. Following the landing, the Allied troops started going up Italy, but they faced incredibly fierce resistance from the German troops that, in the meantime, had occupied Italy.

Franconi, 80 years after those battles, goes to investigate what is still left on the ground from those times: abandoned barracks, bunkers, signs of dreadful massacres — everything is frozen in time as a warning.
The exhibition takes us from Sicily up to Montecassino, where much blood was shed.

Alessio Franconi shows the scars of war left on the ground as a reminder of the costs of war. The entire reportage is the result of historical researches and photographic missions in remote and inaccessible areas, where nature prevails.

This is a new chapter of the reportage previously hosted in Tallinn at Fotomuuseum in 2017 and in Kiek in de Kök in 2023.

A reportage exhibited 43 times in six European states under the moral patronage of the European Commission, the Italian Structure of the Council of the Ministries for the Anniversaries of National Interest, the Italian Embassy in Tallinn, the British Embassy in Rome, the Canadian Embassy to Italy, Polish Embassy in Italy, Commonwealth War Grave Commission, Club Alpino Italiano, Associazione Nazionale Alpini, Erasmus Student Network Italy.

Technical sponsors: Permajet, Unimaginable, BigCiaccio.

Photo Credits: © Alessio Franconi.