7.-28. of September:
Miiamilla celebrates its birthday!
The whole September is full of joy, games and laughter, as that is the birthday month of the Children’s Museum! It’s incredible but Miiamilla turns already ten! Each Saturday there’s plenty of celebrations and festivities to take part in. Pick your favourite day or you can also join the activities taking place every Saturday in the museum.
Send us your wishes for Miiamilla’s birthday!
We appreciate your letters and e-mails! Let us know what was most fun for you in the museum and what kind of a museum you wish to see in the future.
You can send us your wishes also with the video congratulations.
Record a small video clip of wishes where you tell us:
1. I like it in Miiamilla because…
2. I wish that in the children´s museum there would be…
Please make sure to make the video in landscape format (horizontally).
Please send us your letters and videos until 21st of September to the e-mail address: mm@linnamuuseum.ee
or to our postal address L. Koidula 21 c, 10127 Tallinn.
Sept 7th: A fun family day for grandparents
- Taking a look into Miia-Milla-Manda’s storybook
- Making a felt bed and mini furniture pieces
- Best Pancake Competition (please register HERE)
Sept 14th: Opening of the exhibition “Games Through Time”
- Children’s games and activities through decades
- Playing old games
- Exhibition in cooperation with the Museum of Photography
Sept 21st: Party day for the children and the museum
- Birthday and friendship games and making of crafts
- Making huge shapes of friendship with children in the museum yard and taking bird’s-eye view photos from the observatory
- Weaving a friendship rug together
- Announcing the Friendship Ambassador Contest
- 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. the play “Believe It Or Not”
A spirited play based on Eva Janikovszky’s books “If I Were a Grown-Up” and “Believe it or Not”. At the center of this production is a small child who dreams of being a totally different grown-up than any ordinary adult. Naturally, he would do everything the adults forbid him to do right now, and most definitely he would be happy about the little things that for some reason adults don’t take joy in. The play is a combination of the play space that lies between being a child and being a grown-up.
Sept 25th: Children’s Museum turns TEN
- Miiamilla’s favourite games and songs
- Video marathon of the birthday congratulations
- 3:30 p.m. the play “Believe It Or Not”
On the museum’s birthday on 25th of September the admission fee for all is € 1!
Sept 28th: Miiamilla´s Decathlon
- Fun activities with a sporty touch through the halls of the museum
- Making friendship medals