Orienteering game
“Hungry in medieval Tallinn”

Come learn about medieval festivities and food culture! Three cats invite you to discover Tallinn Old Town in a new light through historical food culture.

The journey takes you to the Middle Ages, mainly the 15th-16th century, but also to the 13th-14th century and a brief visit the modern era (1600s). Maybe even grab a bite somewhere. Through the game, you can learn about things like offal. Why was it necessary to consume bleached dog feces? Where could you see a gilded peacock? How do archaeologists study people’s eating habits? What purpose did deer leg goblets serve? 

How does the game work?

Watch an introductory video of the game

How does it work?

  • Download the LoQuiz app
  • Scan the QR code

    or enter username and password Tallinn1.
  • Look at the game journey on the map. If you have solved one task, a new purple dot with a cat appears on the map. You can zoom in and out on the map to better see a new place or small side streets.
  • In respect to the chosen character (Ronja, Pusa or Mummy Cat), you can compete with other players at your own pace by solving tasks for a record time or taking it slow and discovering Tallinn Old Town and its eating habits in a calmer manner. You can solve video tasks by directing your own videos and photos. This can also be done by playing alone. For those who don’t want to be recorded, Mummy Cat is the suitable character.
  • For the game to go smoothly, we ask for access to your photo gallery and location on your phone. This allows us to bring you a more personalised and engaging experience.
  • Depending on your chosen character, pace and knowledge of the city, the game can take one to two hours. Paused games can be resumed later.

P.S. If you play in winter or when it’s raining, be careful not to slip on wet cobblestones. Also, beware of snowy rooftops!

The game is based on a script written by the winners of the “Journey through medieval Tallinn” contest organised for schools, The Knights of the Sword of Tarvastu Gymnasium I.


The contest and making of the video was sponsored by the Estonian Research Council.


Language editing: Maarja Valk

Translation: Luisa Translation Agency

Operator: Madis Reimund

Director: Tarvi Roos

Actors: Jane Meresmaa-Roos, Lasse Roos, Anni Roos, Villem Meresmaa

We would like to thank:


llustrations used in the game:   

Art Museum of Estonia, Tallinn City Museum, TLÜ archaeological research collection, Estonian Museum of Architecture, Olde Hansa Shoppe, Meeli Küttim, Jaana Ratas, Andrus Anderson, Küllike Tint, Ivan Digon, Tuuli Maiste, Peeter Sirge, Robert Lang, Karl-Erik Talvet

Music: Epidemic Sound