Indecent Tallinn exhibition texts
First room. Introduction
Medieval street and church
Earliest mentions + After Reformation Varaseimad teated, Reformatsiooni järel
Balthasar Russow’s Livonian Chronicle (In the book, Balthasar Russow’s Livonian Chronicle)
Women referred to as “whores” (Naised, keda nimetati hooradeks)
Red Convent and customers Punane klooster, Prostituutide kunded
Secular punishments Ilmalikud karistused
Whore lists Hooranimekirjad
Sauna Saun
Taverns and restaurants
Taverns in the Middle Ages Kõrtsid keskajal
Restaurants and cabarets Restoranid ja prostitutsioon 1920. aastatel, Kabaree ja daamide orkestrid
Doctor’s office and STDs
Prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases Suguhaiguste levik
Treatment of STDs Suguhaiguste ravi
List of sexually transmitted diseases Suguhaigused
Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases Suguhaiguste ennetamine
The compulsory regulations for combating prostitution (1921) (on the table)
The doorway
The laws for keeping girls (1872) Seädused perrenaesele, kes tüddrokuid peab
Audio. Prostitute’s description of daily life Kuula! Prostituudi kirjeldus argielust
Brothels in Tallinn Bordellid Tallinnas
After the First World War Pärast esimest maailmasõda
The consumers of intimate services Intiimteenuste tarbijad
Who were the prostitutes Kes olid prostituudid?
Lonnie’s room
From Anna Maria to Lonnie of Dunkri Anna Mariast Dunkri Lonniks
Saving money with frugailty Kokkuhoidlik rahakoguja
Panties Aluspüksid
Murderer Dunkri Lonni mõrvar
Audio. Stories of Elfride, Maria and Olga Kuula! Elfride, Maria ja Olga lood
Photography room
Eroticism in literature Erootika kirjanduses, Erootiline kirjandus 20. sajandil
Pornographic images Pornograafilised pildid