
The permanent exhibition at Vene 17 covers the history of the town through centuries.
The cellar houses a study collection of our porcelain and faiance collection (have a glimpse here).
Our collections of historic ceramics, copper and brass, and pewter are opened to the public, too.



In 2015 we started co-operating with Google Inc. and since October 2016 everyone has the chance to visit the virtual Tallinn City Museum on Google Arts & Culture platform. The virtual museum includes 3D tours of three of our sites – City Life Museum in the Old Town, Kiek in de Kök, and the house of Peter the Great. It also contains pictures and information about more than 160 items, most of which are not on public display, as well as a number of virtual exhibits.

Views of Tallinn cityscapes from our collections at Google Arts & Culture
Mobile view