Artist talk with Joonas Ahtikallio: Sustainability in Analog Photography

On November 23, The Museum of Photography will host an artist talk with Finnish photographer Joonas Ahtikallio. During the evening, Ahtikallio will introduce his work and share his knowledge about alternative and sustainable approaches in analog photography. In his work, he combines various art mediums and experimental photographic techniques, focusing on the relationship between human, nature and art, offering a unique and insightful perspective on the world. In recent years, Ahtikallio has shifted his focus towards more sustainable practices, such as making plant-based film developers, creating lumen prints, and more.

During the artist talk, Ahtikallio will present his recent project “Pimeä puutarha” which was exhibited in Tartu at the TYPA gallery. “In Pimeä puutarha, I delve into an exploration of connection that binds humanity with the natural world. Using an array of experimental techniques, from crafting film developers with plants to harnessing the ethereal essence of Kirlian photography and the poetic allure of lumen prints, I seek to unravel something what we do not perceive with our senses, but deep within we know of its existence.”


More information about Ahtikallios projects can be found here:

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