Exhibition in Kalamaja Museum “Kalamaja Wallpapers and What We Can Find Underneath”

In the Kalamaja Museum gallery
April 12th 2023 to September 8th 2024

In Kalamaja and Põhja-Tallinn, there are still homes built in the first half of the 20th century that are awaiting renovation or are being renovated right now. There are more and more apartment owners who value the past and its layers and believe heritage to be important. This is how a considerable amount of wallpapers saved by local apartment renovators have found their way to the Kalamaja community museum. Objects found in ceilings, walls or under floors can also convey surprising messages. Tallinn City Museum’s conservator Merike Neidorp has soaked and unravelled old layers of wallpaper. We now have an opportunity to embark on a little time travel through the history of wallpaper as an important part of interior design in the oldest suburb of Tallinn.

The wallpapers come from the buildings at Soo 16, Soo 20, Küti 3, Kalaranna 4, Salme 25, Kungla 7, Valgevase 14 and Vabriku 31/2.

The found objects come from the buildings at Kotzebue 16, Kotzebue 12, Kopli 2c (Economy Hotel), Kopli 36/1, Küti 3, Tööstuse 3, Jahu 8, Vana-Kalamaja 3b, Kungla 7.


The exhibition also features the video art piece “The Essential Guide to Remont” (2019) by artist Bita Razavi, 8’33” video.


The exhibition curator is Tuuli Silber, the consultant is wallpaper historian Kadri Kallaste and the exhibition was designed by local artists Silja Saarepuu and Villu Plink.
Technical solutions: Andres Lall, Laserstuudio.

We thank the Kalamaja people who have donated wallpapers and exhibits to the museum.